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The ngForm directive of AngularJS

I’m back writing about client side validation in an AngularJS application.

Lately, I had to work with a form created dynamically on the basis of a JSON response, that I received from the server. In this case the approach is a bit different from the one I discussed in my first post about form validation with AngularJS.

Consider this markup:

<form name="sf" ng-controller="FormController" novalidate>
  <div ng-repeat="f in fields">
    <input name="{{ "{{ f.name " }}}}" ng-required="f.isRequired"/>
    <div ng-show="sf[f.name].$dirty && sf[f.name].$invalid">
      <span ng-show="sf[f.name].$error.required">Required field</span>

Where fields is defined in the controller.

function FormController(scope) {
  scope.fields = [
    { name: "username", isRequired: true},
    { name: "password", isRequired: true },
    { name: "email", isRequired: false}
FormController.$inject = ["$scope"];

But sadly the validation didn’t work.
The reason of this failure, is that currently it’s not possible to dynamically generate a name of an input.

To work around this issue there are two different alternatives: write a custom directive or use the builtin ngForm directive, to create an inner form; I chose this last one:

<form name="sf" ng-controller="FormController" novalidate>
  <div ng-repeat="f in fields">
    <ng-form name="sfIn">
      <input name="tb" ng-required="f.isRequired"/>
      <div ng-show="sfIn.tb.$dirty && sfIn.tb.$invalid">
        <span ng-show="sfIn.tb.$error.required">Required</span>