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C# LINQ equivalents of JavaScript array methods

At work, in the last couple of years I’ve always more, and more written C# code. It’s nice, and it has lots of similarities with JavaScript.

Despite this, I am not such productive with C#, as I am with JavaScript, and I often find myself asking colleagues, or searching the Internet for equivalent of JavaScript [feature] in C#… I rarely get disappointed.

In this post we explore the equivalent in C# of some of the most useful JavaScript array methods.

Language INtegrated Query

JavaScript has prototypal inheritance, hence prototypes, and all the arrays have access to the methods defined on the Array’s prototype.
That’s why typeof [].forEach == "function".

So what about C#?
Since .NET Framework 3.5, LINQ (Language Integrated Query) permits to work very conveniently with data collections, and more specifically with all the types which implement the IEnumerable or IEnumerable<T> interface. These types are often referred as queryable type.

Anyway, there’s an important difference. Despite most of the methods defined on the Array prototype have a counterpart in the LINQ library, there’s an important difference.
LINQ methods don’t return a collection (as in JavaScript occur), but a query object, that is a set of instructions about how to retrieve the data; the query itself is not executed until the program effectively tries to access those data.
The best part of this all is that the query objects still implement IEnumerable<T>, so queries can be easily chanined (such as we’re accustomed in JavaScript).


In the next sections we’re going to work on a collection of orders.

List<Order> bill = new List<Order>() {
  new Order("wat", "Water", 2.0, 1),
  new Order("cok", "Coke", 2.5, 2),
  new Order("piz", "Pizza Margherita", 4.0, 2),
  new Order("piz", "Pizza Bufala", 7.5, 1),
  new Order("cof", "Coffee", 1.0, 2)

where the Order class is defined as:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Order {
  public Order(string code, string name, double price, int quantity) {
    this.Code = code;
    this.Name = name;
    this.Price = price;
    this.Quantity = quantity;
  public string Code { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public double Price { get; set; }
  public int Quantity { get; set; }

If you want quickly try one of the following snippet, you can paste it on dotnetfiddle; it’s like jsfiddle, but for .NET folks.


Enumerable.Where creates a new collection, that contains the only elements of the original collection which match the predicate.

var pizzas = order.Where(x => 
  x.Code.Equals("PIZ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

foreach (string pizza in pizzas)

// Pizza Margherita
// Pizza Bufala


Enumerable.Select creates a new collection, with the results of the execution of the provided function on each element in the original collection.

var productNames = bill.Select(x => x.Name);

foreach (string productName in productNames)

// Water
// Coke
// ...

Here, C# folks are lucky enough who don’t have to worry about holes in their list 😉


Enumerable.Aggregate applies the provided function on each element in the original collection to generate a new value, that may (or may not) be a collection.

double totalPrice = bill.Aggregate(0,
  (double price, Order order) => price + order.Quantity * order.Price);

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Price: {0}€", totalPrice));

// Total Price: 24.5€


Enumerable.Any determines whether the collection contains at least one element that matches the predicate.

bool hasTax = bill.Any(x =>
  x.Code.Equals("TAX", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

// :~ false

// ... or in C# even without a preticate
bool isEmpty = ! bill.Any();

// :~ false


Enumerable.All determines whether all the elements in the collection match the predicate.

bool isOnlyPizzaOrder = bill.All(x => 
  x.Code.Equals("PIZ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

// :~ false