A directive to manage file upload in an AngularJS application
This week I needed to add the functionality of file upload to an AngularJS web application. Since the project already uses jQuery, I found that the best solution to build an asynchronous file uploader was to rely on the well known (and wonderful) jQuery plugin jquery.form, created by M. Alsup.
At the end I wrote an AngularJS directive to have a component, that I can reuse in my next projects. I will share it in this post.
Getting started
In order to get started using the directive, we had to include in the project jQuery, and the jquery.form plugin. There are no further preliminary operations.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.2.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.form.js"></script>
Cool, let’s procede to the code of the directive.
The uploader directive
Lately, I really like create new HTML elements… and in an effort of fantasy,
I simply called the directive to upload file: uploader
. It’s possible to use it
almost everywhere, but in a form. It’s easy as:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data">
<uploader action="uploader.php"></uploader>
You may ask why I setted the action attribute on the uploader element, instead that on the form. This is due to the fact that, when an action attribute is defined for a form, by default AngularJS reloads the page when the form is submitted. I really don’t want this behaviour (and nobody wants it more in 2013), so I will use the action attribute just for the time in which I will really need it.
Inside the uploader
It’s time to look inside the uploader
I defined its body into a separated HTML file (that with an effort of fantasy I called uploader.html), that then I will reference as template from the directive definition object. This is its content:
<!-- uploader.html template -->
<div class='uploader'>
<!-- the real input[type=file] is hidden -->
<input type='file' name='uploader' style='display:none;'
<!-- input field, used to open the real input[type=file] -->
<div class='fake-uploader'>
<label for='uploader'></label>
<input type='text' readonly='readonly' ng-model='avatar'/>
<!-- progress bar -->
<div class='progress' ng-show='progress!=0'>
<div class='bar' style='width:{{ '{{ progress ' }}}}%;'></div>
<!-- preview -->
<div ng-if='avatar != ""' style='margin: 50px 0 0;'>
<img ng-src='upload/{{ '{{ avatar ' }}}}'/>
Two things to note here; the first is that I’m hiding the real file input element (I really don’t like how it looks)… I replaced it with a classic text input file, in readonly mode, that I will also use to trigger a click on the hidden input file. The second thing is the way I bound the change event on the input file:
// retrive the scope of 'element'
Since I used the old classic onchange
attribute, I need to get the current scope…
once this is done, it’s possible to use all the method defined in the current scope.
The directive definition
Finally, it’s time to give a sight to the directive’s definition. To maintain the code as compact as possible, I will start showing the backbone of the directive, then I will go deeper to each section.
var dir = angular.module("app.directives", []);
dir.directive("uploader", [function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
// scope
// define a new isolate scope
controller: ["$scope", function ($scope) {
// controller:
// here you should define properties and methods
// used in the directive's scope
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
// link function
// here you should register listeners
replace: false,
templateUrl: "uploader.html"
I used the scope
property to create a new isolated scope for the directive.
In this isolated scope I defined the action
property, that takes its value from the DOM,
exactly from the action attribute, that I previously setted on the uploader element.
scope: {
action: "@"
If you can’t understand this step, you’ll find useful the AngularJS doc about the directive definition object.
As I anticipated, since the input file is hidden, I need to trigger a click on it via JavaScript… the link function is the right place where to place the event listeners:
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
elem.find(".fake-uploader").click(function () {
Finally, in the controller
property, I defined the sendFile
method, that
wraps the ajaxSubmit
api of the jquery.form plugin.
controller: ["$scope", function ($scope) {
$scope.progress = 0;
$scope.avatar = "";
$scope.sendFile = function (el) {
var $form = $(el).parents("form");
if ($(el).val() == "") {
return false;
$form.attr("action", $scope.action);
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.progress = 0;
type: "POST",
uploadProgress: function (evt, pos, tot, percComplete) {
$scope.$apply(function () {
// upload the progress bar during the upload
$scope.progress = percentComplete;
error: function (evt, statusText, response, form) {
// remove the action attribute from the form
handle the error ...
success: function (response, status, xhr, form) {
var ar = $(el).val().split("\\"),
filename = ar[ar.length-1];
// remove the action attribute from the form
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.avatar = filename;
More information about the ajaxSubmit api can be found in the documentation pages, api and options, that I strongly recommend.
In conclusion, I just want to invite you to note (again, if you read also my previous posts) the use of the $apply method, needed to reflect in AngularJS all the operations, which come from outside the framework.
The backend
For the sake of completeness this is the content of the uploader.php, that I used to upload the files.
"upload/" . $_FILES["uploader"]["name"]);
To be sincere there is a little more inside my original uploader.php, but this will be enough to a basic uploader.